Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Fabulous Day

Wow, so Monday was such a fabulous day. The country club that I work at is closed on that day, so consequentially, I don't work that day. I went to St. Paul, where my former school was, because I wanted to meet Alicia for lunch. First off, let me say that St. Paul is such a nice city. It's kind of small and boring, but I just like the atmosphere better than Minneapolis. The cities beats living way out here any day. Though it is where I grew up, the suburbs is not my thing. Anyways, Alicia and I had been planning on getting together for a while, but things kept getting in our way. She called to say that her friend was having a really bad day and would be coming along. I said that was fine. As it turns out, her friend was super cool! I really enjoyed her company. Alicia, her friend and I went to a Thai restaurant. I don't remember what I ordered, but it was delicious! It was really spicy too. The three of us talked about people we know from school, classes and professors we've had. Alicia asked me questions about Korea and what I would be doing. Alicia talked a little about her future wedding oh and we talked about boys. Her friend had to leave to go back to class so we went to campus. Alicia and I went to the cafeteria/stadium and just talked a little. Andreas showed up and we all talked some more. Afterwards, Alicia had to go to work.

I went to the Student Affairs Office where I used to work. I said hello to Melissa and then I sat on the couch. I actually fell asleep. I was there waiting for Crystal, but she didnt' show up. My two friends, Xiong and Vang showed up! I was supposed to have dinner with Xiong that day, but I hadn't seen Vang in a long ass time, not since she was at school. Afterwards I went to Crystal's house. Raquel was there along with Crystal's other friend. They were there watching Desperate Housewives. It was actually kind of interesting, but there was an episode where the family starts off showing you their smiles, despite all that they'd been through. It kind of annoyed me, because that is what suburbia is: the land of fake smiles...which is one of my pet peeves. Crystal told me that she would miss me, but that she was nontheless happy for me. I asked Crystal if she would come visit me while I was in Korea. Who knows if she actually will. She asked me how black people are perceived in Korea and I told her that it would be my guess that it wouldn't be much different than here. I told her that in Korea, they can be more straightforward about their prejudices. The difference is that they say it to your face there, rather than behind your back, like here. Bottom line: it's like here.

There was a DVD missing, which contained about four episodes. So I took them all to Blockbuster on my way to meet up with Xiong. My car radio wasn't working, which kind of sucked :-( I went to Everest on Grand, which as Nepali and Tibetan food. Both Xiong and Vang were there. It was really cool because all of us are going to be leaving for Asia within the next couple of months! Xiong and Vang are both going to Thailand. Hopefully I can make a trip out there to see them, especially Xiong, because I won't see her for a while. Hopefully you see this blog Xiong!
After dinner I went to see Ebony and Brittany. We went to Brittany's place and just hung out. It's always good to see the girls. It was a long but great day!!

When I am in Korea, I hope to be able to keep in contact with friends from back home. I plan on being in Korea for two years. I want to be a great educator and really help my students learn English. When I am in Korea, these are things outside of my job that I want to do:

  • Go to a concert!! (People with MY face are up there on stage! How cool and empowering would that be to go to a concert and!?)

  • Take Korean Language (Hopefully I would be able to start out on intermediate, since I've studied it for about five years)

  • Take a music lesson (I've taken piano all my life--I'm not very good at it, but I want to keep up with it, hopefully I could find a place to practice. If not, I might like to take up the violin. The violin is light and easy to carry around).

  • Go Clubbing (It's not my main purpose while in Korea, but I heard that the nightlife is great! When I went to Korea in 99, with the whole family, my brother and sister went out at night. I was too young to go, but he told me that the night life there is great, and drama free. Sorta like Germany. I feel that the clubs in MPLS are just so dramatic, and people take themselves WAY too seriously. This is just play, not work!)

  • Study for the GRE/FSOE (I'm not 100% sure what my future is, so I want to be prepared).

  • Take a Korean History Course ("He who cannot draw on 3000 years is living hand to mouth"--Goethe..."He who controls the past controls the future"--1984 George Orwell--I don't wanna be controlled)

  • Take Calligraphy Lesson (Polish my mind)

  • Live Life to the Fullest (Life is precious and short. Each day is a gift, that's why its called the Present)

1 comment:

MX said...

Hey...I like how you refer to me by my last name...ehhehe. Here's my blogspot page. Add me. I hope you're doing well. I have so much to do before I leave as I'm sure you do too. But I'll see you 5/3/09. Take care.